Lessons from the Land and Sea
October 1, 2010
A best practices guide to cultural ecotourism for Coastal First Nations of British Columbia. It draws on the experience and lessons learned from some of the most thriving operations in BC and elsewhere in the world. The guide provides coastal First Nations with the best available knowledge to develop cultural ecotourism initiatives in their communities.

Slipping Through the Cracks? The Fate of Focal Species in the Great Bear Rainforest
March 5, 2010
Examines risks to species of special conservation concern in the Great Bear Rainforest

Defense for Climate and Species
February 28, 2009
A study released by Greenpeace, ForestEthics, and Sierra Club BC, shows that the Great Bear Rainforest is playing a key role in combating climate change, storing massive amounts of carbon dioxide.

Assessing Ecosystem Health in the Great Bear Rainforest
March 31, 2008
A larger than life reminder is being unveiled today to remind us all that there is only one year left to fulfil the promise to protect the Great Bear Rainforest, a landmark promise made two years ago after a historic agreement was reached between environmentalists, logging companies, First Nations communities and British Columbia’s Premier Gordon Campbell.

Revitalizing the British Columbia Coastal Economy
December 15, 2004
This report looks at long-term solutions to improve the economic and social conditions of coastal First Nations and communities while maintaining the ecological integrity of the Central Coast, North Coast and Haida Gwaii.

On the Ground
December 1, 2003
This report looks at the three forest certification systems in North America today, and concludes that only the Forest Stewardship Certification (FSC) standard represents a viable system that delivers positive results on the ground and in the communities where it matters most.

A Greenward Shift in the Market for BC forest products
March 1, 2003
A report released by IBM Business Consulting Services (formerly PricewaterhouseCoopers) surveyed 30 customers globally who purchase more than $2 billion worth of BC forest products. The survey indicates that forest supplier regions that do not respond to this “green” shift are at risk of losing market share.