Great Bear Rainforest Progress Update: 1rst Anniversary of the Legal and Policy Framework
February 1, 2017
February 1, 2017 marks one year since the announcement of the Great Bear Rainforest Legal and Policy Framework by First Nations governments and the BC government, with the support of Greenpeace, Sierra Club BC and Stand (formerly ForestEthics) and five forestry companies (collectively known as the Joint Solutions Project). The table below provides an update on progress and delays in completing the Framework commitments as agreed to by the three environmental organizations and the five forestry companies a year ago.
Open or download the Progress Update here.
Great Bear Rainforest Backgrounder
February 1, 2016
Background on the Great Bear Rainforest project (February 2016)

February 2012 - Great Bear Rainforest Update
February 7, 2012
The BC Government needs to speed up the process

May 2010 - Great Bear Rainforest Update
May 5, 2010
Key milestones achieved March 2009 and Five-Year Plan 2009 – 2014.

March 2009 - Great Bear Rainforest Agreement
March 31, 2009
Great Bear Rainforest Agreements Become Reality

March 2008 - One Year Left to Go
March 31, 2008
High Risk Areas in the Great Bear Rainforest Require Action

March 2007 - Time Ticking Down for Great Bear Rainforest
March 29, 2007
If Governments and Logging Industry don’t keep pace, the world will know

May 2006 - Report Card
May 14, 2006
The roadmap to change – a progress report on the Great Bear Rainforest Agreements

April 2003 - Report Card
April 7, 2003
A year of Contradictions – Report on the Great Bear Rainforest Agreements

April 2002 - Report Card
April 1, 2002
Failing our forests – update on the Great Bear Rainforest Agreement